Sunday, August 16, 2009

this came sort of, timely :p

im so gonna catch it!

and another title i like :)
it came across my mind today,
that selfless love exists but rare.
and for the three women,
my granny, my mum and my aunt,
they have loved me unconditionally and very much selflessly,
that sometimes i am guilty for taking them for granted.
they would sacrifice a huge portion of their assets without expecting any returns,
love you even for your shortcomings,
listen when you talk,
trust and respect your choices,
always entitle you to be on the receiving end,
and simply the ones who dash for the drumstick on the plate of chicken and thrust it on your plate.
i really love them so.
in the wink of an eye,
gone are the school days. :(
having a lot of mixed feelings lately,
good to bum ard but tired of looking for a job,
and when you finally have an offer, you dont really want to begin.
i wish i was still a student :(
for the next few mths, no more bumming :(
and this phase of life made me cherish those ppl even more,
for i noe every bit of their love made me go on till today,
and not everyone is willing to give selflessly.

sy. 1:24 AM